Tuesday 30 November 2010

Focused analysis - Characters

i have looked closley at the trailer of the bourne ultimatem, and we find out through captions, that the main charector who is jason bourne has lost every thing he loves and he has even lost his own identity and that he wants revenge on those who have done this to him, his charector alone sets up the genre of a action because we know that he will do anything for revenge. we then find out through this trailer that these people have attempterd to kill him many times before and failed and that he is a very skilled warrior and very evasive.

Monday 15 November 2010

Camera exercise - Back to the Future

To get used to filming techniques and to find out and learn how to use a camera, we got into groups and had to go out and film a sequence of the film, Back to the future.

when we was filming each part of the sequence, we filmed it about three times, this was to ensure that we had at least one good shot for each part, so when it came to editing we could chose the best shot to use. when all of the film sequence was filmed, we went back and had to edit it to make it all come together. we then learnt how to edit and put effects into our work to make it more interesting. with the camera, we learnt how to keep it steady by using the tripod, how to zoom in and out and also all about how different shots and angels can create a difference in the pace of the film.

when we have to film our trailer, we will have to use what we have learnt in this exercise. we will also need to make changes such as we cannot film in loud locations and we must beware of background noise, also we will make the actors speak a lot more loud so that they can be heard on film. what we should also do when filming our trailer is to use a lot more angels and use more shots so we have a big choice to work with.

A2 media introduction and coursework options

For my A2 Media courswork, i had a choice of filming and editing either a music video or a film trailer.
me and my group have decided that we will make a film trailer and the film itself will be in the style of a action thriller. we will need to film and make our trailer and then use software on computers to edit our film trailer to make it how we would like it to be to suit the genre of our film.
once this is done we will also need to create both a poster for our film, and a magazine cover. to create both of these we can use our skills we learnt using photoshop software at AS Media.